51 research outputs found

    Wearable Fall Detector Using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Falls have become a relevant public health issue due to their high prevalence and negative effects in elderly people. Wearable fall detector devices allow the implementation of continuous and ubiquitous monitoring systems. The effectiveness for analyzing temporal signals with low energy consumption is one of the most relevant characteristics of these devices. Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have demonstrated a great accuracy in some problems that require analyzing sequential inputs. However, getting appropriate response times in low power microcontrollers remains a difficult task due to their limited hardware resources. This work shows a feasibility study about using RNN-based deep learning models to detect both falls and falls’ risks in real time using accelerometer signals. The effectiveness of four different architectures was analyzed using the SisFall dataset at different frequencies. The resulting models were integrated into two different embedded systems to analyze the execution times and changes in the model effectiveness. Finally, a study of power consumption was carried out. A sensitivity of 88.2% and a specificity of 96.4% was obtained. The simplest models reached inference times lower than 34 ms, which implies the capability to detect fall events in real-time with high energy efficiency. This suggests that RNN models provide an effective method that can be implemented in low power microcontrollers for the creation of autonomous wearable fall detection systems in real-time

    TPU Cloud-Based Generalized U-Net for Eye Fundus Image Segmentation

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    Medical images from different clinics are acquired with different instruments and settings. To perform segmentation on these images as a cloud-based service we need to train with multiple datasets to increase the segmentation independency from the source. We also require an ef cient and fast segmentation network. In this work these two problems, which are essential for many practical medical imaging applications, are studied. As a segmentation network, U-Net has been selected. U-Net is a class of deep neural networks which have been shown to be effective for medical image segmentation. Many different U-Net implementations have been proposed.With the recent development of tensor processing units (TPU), the execution times of these algorithms can be drastically reduced. This makes them attractive for cloud services. In this paper, we study, using Google's publicly available colab environment, a generalized fully con gurable Keras U-Net implementation which uses Google TPU processors for training and prediction. As our application problem, we use the segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup, which can be applied to glaucoma detection. To obtain networks with a good performance, independently of the image acquisition source, we combine multiple publicly available datasets (RIM-One V3, DRISHTI and DRIONS). As a result of this study, we have developed a set of functions that allow the implementation of generalized U-Nets adapted to TPU execution and are suitable for cloud-based service implementation.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Deep Learning System for COVID-19 Diagnosis Aid Using X-ray Pulmonary Images

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    The spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has made the COVID-19 disease a worldwide epidemic. The most common tests to identify COVID-19 are invasive, time consuming and limited in resources. Imaging is a non-invasive technique to identify if individuals have symptoms of disease in their lungs. However, the diagnosis by this method needs to be made by a specialist doctor, which limits the mass diagnosis of the population. Image processing tools to support diagnosis reduce the load by ruling out negative cases. Advanced artificial intelligence techniques such as Deep Learning have shown high effectiveness in identifying patterns such as those that can be found in diseased tissue. This study analyzes the effectiveness of a VGG16-based Deep Learning model for the identification of pneumonia and COVID-19 using torso radiographs. Results show a high sensitivity in the identification of COVID-19, around 100%, and with a high degree of specificity, which indicates that it can be used as a screening test. AUCs on ROC curves are greater than 0.9 for all classes considered

    Low-Power Embedded System for Gait Classification Using Neural Networks

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    Abnormal foot postures can be measured during the march by plantar pressures in both dynamic and static conditions. These detections may prevent possible injuries to the lower limbs like fractures, ankle sprain or plantar fasciitis. This information can be obtained by an embedded instrumented insole with pressure sensors and a low-power microcontroller. However, these sensors are placed in sparse locations inside the insole, so it is not easy to correlate manually its values with the gait type; that is why a machine learning system is needed. In this work, we analyse the feasibility of integrating a machine learning classifier inside a low-power embedded system in order to obtain information from the user’s gait in real-time and prevent future injuries. Moreover, we analyse the execution times, the power consumption and the model effectiveness. The machine learning classifier is trained using an acquired dataset of 3000+ steps from 6 different users. Results prove that this system provides an accuracy over 99% and the power consumption tests obtains a battery autonomy over 25 days

    Analyzing recommender systems for health promotion using a multidisciplinary taxonomy: A scoping review

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    Background: Recommender systems are information retrieval systems that provide users with relevant items (e.g., through messages). Despite their extensive use in the e-commerce and leisure domains, their application in healthcare is still in its infancy. These systems may be used to create tailored health interventions, thus reducing the cost of healthcare and fostering a healthier lifestyle in the population. Objective: This paper identifies, categorizes, and analyzes the existing knowledge in terms of the literature published over the past 10 years on the use of health recommender systems for patient interventions. The aim of this study is to understand the scientific evidence generated about health recommender systems, to identify any gaps in this field to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG3) (namely, “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”), and to suggest possible reasons for these gaps as well as to propose some solutions. Methods: We conducted a scoping review, which consisted of a keyword search of the literature related to health recommender systems for patients in the following databases: ScienceDirect, PsycInfo, Association for Computing Machinery, IEEExplore, and Pubmed. Further, we limited our search to consider only English-lan-guage journal articles published in the last 10 years. The reviewing process comprised three researchers who filtered the results simultaneously. The quantitative synthesis was conducted in parallel by two researchers, who classified each paper in terms of four aspects—the domain, the methodological and procedural aspects, the health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories, and the technical aspects—using a new multidisciplinary taxonomy. Results: Nineteen papers met the inclusion criteria and were included in the data analysis, for which thirty-three features were assessed. The nine features associated with the health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories were not observed in any of the selected studies, did not use principles of tailoring, and did not assess (cost)-effectiveness. Discussion: Health recommender systems may be further improved by using relevant behavior change strategies and by implementing essential characteristics of tailored interventions. In addition, many of the features required to assess each of the domain aspects, the methodological and procedural aspects, and technical aspects were not reported in the studies. Conclusions: The studies analyzed presented few evidence in support of the positive effects of using health recommender systems in terms of cost-effectiveness and patient health outcomes. This is why future studies should ensure that all the proposed features are covered in our multidisciplinary taxonomy, including integration with electronic health records and the incorporation of health promotion theoretical factors and behavior change theories. This will render those studies more useful for policymakers since they will cover all aspects needed to determine their impact toward meeting SDG3.European Union's Horizon 2020 No 68112

    Smart Footwear Insole for Recognition of Foot Pronation and Supination Using Neural Networks

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    Abnormal foot postures during gait are common sources of pain and pathologies of the lower limbs. Measurements of foot plantar pressures in both dynamic and static conditions can detect these abnormal foot postures and prevent possible pathologies. In this work, a plantar pressure measurement system is developed to identify areas with higher or lower pressure load. This system is composed of an embedded system placed in the insole and a user application. The instrumented insole consists of a low-power microcontroller, seven pressure sensors and a low-energy bluetooth module. The user application receives and shows the insole pressure information in real-time and, finally, provides information about the foot posture. In order to identify the different pressure states and obtain the final information of the study with greater accuracy, a Deep Learning neural network system has been integrated into the user application. The neural network can be trained using a stored dataset in order to obtain the classification results in real-time. Results prove that this system provides an accuracy over 90% using a training dataset of 3000+ steps from 6 different users.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    An Automated Fall Detection System Using Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Falls are the most common cause of fatal injuries in elderly people, causing even death if there is no immediate assistance. Fall detection systems can be used to alert and request help when this type of accident happens. Certain types of these systems include wearable devices that analyze bio-medical signals from the person carrying it in real time. In this way, Deep Learning algorithms could automate and improve the detection of unintentional falls by analyzing these signals. These algorithms have proven to achieve high effectiveness with competitive performances in many classification problems. This work aims to study 16 Recurrent Neural Networks architectures (using Long Short-Term Memory and Gated Recurrent Units) for falls detection based on accelerometer data, reducing computational requirements of previous research. The architectures have been tested on a labeled version of the publicly available SisFall dataset, achieving a mean F1-score above 0.73 and improving state-of-the-art solutions in terms of network complexity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida TEC2016-77785-

    Breast Cancer Automatic Diagnosis System using Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Breast cancer is one of the most frequent causes of mortality in women. For the early detection of breast cancer, the mammography is used as the most efficient technique to identify abnormalities such as tumors. Automatic detection of tumors in mammograms has become a big challenge and can play a crucial role to assist doctors in order to achieve an accurate diagnosis. State-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms such as Faster Regional Convolutional Neural Networks are able to determine the presence of an object and also its position inside the image in a reduced computation time. In this work, we evaluate these algorithms to detect tumors in mammogram images and propose a detection system that contains: (1) a preprocessing step performed on mammograms taken from the Digital Database for Screening Mammography (DDSM) and (2) the Neural Network model, which performs feature extraction over the mammograms in order to locate tumors within each image and classify them as malignant or benign. The results obtained show that the proposed algorithm has an accuracy of 97.375%. These results show that the system could be very useful for aiding physicians when detecting tumors from mammogram images.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Multi-dataset Training for Medical Image Segmentation as a Service

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    Deep Learning tools are widely used for medical image segmentation. The results produced by these techniques depend to a great extent on the data sets used to train the used network. Nowadays many cloud service providers offer the required resources to train networks and deploy deep learning networks. This makes the idea of segmentation as a cloud-based service attractive. In this paper we study the possibility of training, a generalized configurable, Keras U-Net to test the feasibility of training with images acquired, with specific instruments, to perform predictions on data from other instruments. We use, as our application example, the segmentation of Optic Disc and Cup which can be applied to glaucoma detection. We use two publicly available data sets (RIM-One V3 and DRISHTI) to train either independently or combining their data.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Does Two-Class Training Extract Real Features? A COVID-19 Case Study

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    Diagnosis aid systems that use image analysis are currently very useful due to the large workload of health professionals involved in making diagnoses. In recent years, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been used to help in these tasks. For this reason, multiple studies that analyze the detection precision for several diseases have been developed. However, many of these works distinguish between only two classes: healthy and with a specific disease. Based on this premise, in this work, we try to answer the questions: When training an image classification system with only two classes (healthy and sick), does this system extract the specific features of this disease, or does it only obtain the features that differentiate it from a healthy patient? Trying to answer these questions, we analyze the particular case of COVID-19 detection. Many works that classify this disease using X-ray images have been published; some of them use two classes (with and without COVID-19), while others include more classes (pneumonia, SARS, influenza, etc.). In this work, we carry out several classification studies with two classes, using test images that do not belong to those classes, in order to try to answer the previous questions. The first studies indicate problems in these two-class systems when using a third class as a test, being classified inconsistently. Deeper studies show that deep learning systems trained with two classes do not correctly extract the characteristics of pathologies, but rather differentiate the classes based on the physical characteristics of the images. After the discussion, we conclude that these two-class trained deep learning systems are not valid if there are other diseases that cause similar symptoms.Junta de Andalucía and FEDER research project MSF-PHIA (US-1263715